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North Bavarian NMR Centre (NBNC)

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Facilities of the NMR Center, University of Bayreuth.

North Bavarian NMR Centre (NBNC)

The North Bavarian NMR Centre (NBNC) is a central scientific institution of the University of Bayreuth. The NBNC concentrates internationally recognized state-of-the-art know-how of University Bayreuth’s research groups in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy under one single roof. It thereby defines the base for a transregional center of excellence.

The NBNC currently houses dozen NMR spectrometers, including one of the world’s most powerful NMR spectrometers (Bruker 1 GHz AEON NMR spectrometer). In fact, the 1 GHz AOEN NMR is the most powerful NMR spectrometer that is independent of permanent He-refills, hence allowing ultra-long measurements in solution as well as in the solid state. The NBNC further runs a 900 MHz AEON NMR spectrometer equipped with a TCI-CryoProbe, a 600 MHz wide bore NMR spectrometer for solid-state NMR, a Stellar field cycling NMR spectrometer, a 300 MHz NMR spectrometer equipped for 129Xe hyperpolarization experiments as well as several other NMR spectrometers between 700 MHz and 300 MHz.

NMR spectroscopy is applied in a wide range of research fields at University of Bayreuth. This includes (but not limited to):

  • routine analysis in chemical syntheses
  • material research, especially on porous materials and innovative material for battery research
  • development of novel applications in food authenticity and quality testing
  • 3D-structure determination of medically relevant bio-macormolecules, such as allergens, transcription factors, or biomaterials.

The NBNC ensures a coordinated and economic operation of the NMR spectrometers assigned to the centre. It coordinates activities of its members and assist the members in the acquisition of third-party funding. At present, the NBNC is formed by 30 chairs and research groups. The infrastructure of the NBNC is also available to researchers outside of University of Bayreuth by way of scientific collaborations. To a limited extent the NBNC also offers scientific services to third parties.

​The North Bavarian NMR Centre is conducted by an executive board. The acting directors of the NBNC are Prof. Dr. Janosch Hennig and Prof. Dr. Jürgen Senker. Prof. Dr. Stephan Schwarzinger is the executive manager of the NBNC.

For additional information please contact:

Prof. Dr. Janosch Hennig
Director of the NBNC and Chair of Biochemistry IV - Biophysical Chemistry
University of Bayreuth
Universitätsstraße 30 – BGI
95447 Bayreuth
Phone: +49 (0)921 55-3540


Prof. Dr. Jürgen Senker
Director of the NBNC and Chair of Inorganic Chemistry III
University of Bayreuth
Universitätsstraße 30 – NW I
95447 Bayreuth
Phone: +49 (0)921 55-2538


Prof. Dr. Stephan Schwarzinger
Executive Manager of the NBNC and
Group Leader „Quality and Authenticity of Food and Materials”
University of Bayreuth
Universitätsstraße 30 – NW I 1.2 U1
95447 Bayreuth
Phone: +49 (0)921 55-2046
Fax: +49 (0)921 55-4369
E-Mail: s.schwarzinger .AT. uni-bayreuth.de   (.AT. = @)

Webmaster: Dr. Renée Siegel

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